Work with a Consultant Experienced in Trying Cases
Often in-house corporate counsel has concerns about smaller, but potentially risky matters within their litigation portfolio. As an in-house National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) instructor at her firm where she was an equity partner, Sandy conducted deposition training for trial associates. Sandy has decades of hands-on experience in the following areas:
- Outside counsel’s early case assessments and reasonableness of litigation budgets;
- Fact and expert witness searches;
- Non-testifying consultant selection and trial expert deposition preparation/strategy;
- Evidentiary and dispositive motions strategy;
- Conducting jury verdict research to help predict likely case outcomes and settlement ranges;
- Preparing for mock trials with jury consultants;
- Strategizing for voir dire, jury instructions and interrogatories;
- Mediation briefs and settlement conference preparation.
Let Sandy help you find factual gaps in your evidence, strategize motions practice with you and your outside counsel, assist in identifying potential early settlement opportunities and provide another viewpoint in assessing and determining trial readiness.
Legal Management Consultant for Small to Medium In-House Legal Departments
Sandy Broadus spent decades as a skilled trial strategist, trusted client advisor and lead negotiator in high-stakes litigation.
She has served as lead counsel of record in matters filed in both State and Federal courts in jurisdictions across the U.S., managing them from the time of Complaint filing to final resolution. She has successfully prepared and tried cases to verdict in both criminal and civil matters, and on both the plaintiffs’ and defense sides.
As the chief legal executive responsible for Ethics and Business Practices worldwide at a business unit with $19B in annual revenues, Sandy was responsible for planning, overseeing and personally executing Compliance Audits globally. She also interviewed, approved and oversaw Business Practices Officers worldwide, numbering in the hundreds.
Sandy’s far-ranging experiences as a public defender and law school clinical instructor, equity partner at both small boutique and Am Law 200 firms and a corporate legal executive with oversight of worldwide litigation, Ethics and Compliance comprise a rare and valuable skill set.
Most recently, as an Assistant General Counsel based at the corporate headquarters of a Fortune 50 multinational company, Sandy managed Significant Litigation and Compliance matters worldwide, overseeing outside legal counsel, early case assessment, motions practice, trial strategy and successful pre-trial resolution. In this key role, she is well-accustomed to case assessments and litigation budgets prepared within the first 90 days after matter intake.
She also strategized and managed e-discovery practices across all business units and divisions worldwide.
Sandy now offers litigation management consulting services to small to medium corporate in-house law departments. Sandy can consult with you and outside counsel on your strategy for managing high-stakes litigation matters, review your litigation budget and help you streamline discovery. Sandy is available to discuss cost-effective ways to reach prompt, efficient and successful resolution of your matters.
Call Sandy to find out how you can get peace of mind and control over your litigation matters.
She is tactful, strategic and persuasive in helping to change culture from the top down that is inclusive and equitable
She established our Executive Committee’s mentoring program and other initiatives that resulted in greater diversity, retention and promotion of attorneys of color. She was also a leader of our Women Working Together program. In short, she is tactful, strategic and persuasive in helping to change culture from the top down that is inclusive and equitable. Moreover, she is an amazing human being who truly cares for people. I highly recommend her!
— Stan Twardy, Partner, Day Pitney LLP